Wednesday 23 November 2011

Make the Background of Your Icon Text Transparent on the Desktop

1. Follow the steps mentioned below,

    1. Open the Control Panel
    2. Click System
    3. Click the Advanced tab
    4. Click Settings in the Performance section
    5. Check the “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop” checkbox
    6. Click OK until you close the windows

2.Right-click on Desktop - "Arrange Icons by" and ensure Lock Web
items is cleared.

3.Transparency will not work if you have web content on your desktop,
Control Panel - Display Properties - Desktop tab - Customize Desktop -
Web tab. Clear all check boxes.

4. Ensure the Wallpaper is an image file not HTML.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Make your Windows Genuine

Make your Windows 7 Genuine...
Download the software "Remove WAT"....
1) Click the 'Remove WAT' button..
It'll sucessfully remov the WAT.
That's it.....

Now your Windows is Genuine OS.......

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Insert HTML Code to Blogger Posting

Onetime i want to share my trick in my blog, and then i wrote some post....but when i publish it, i really shocked...the trick with consist of HTML code doesn't appear . What wrong with my post?.. I really confused. I search this problem in search engine,until i found the answer. The answer is if we want to insert a HTML code, it must be coverted the HTML characteristic with symbol/notation. Or we can use another trick. we can post a HTML code using by a more trick.
1. We can use form text area.

If we use this way, the result will be like this

2. second way to post HTML code is change a character in that code with symbol/notation.
But how if the code is to much??? You can use this site to help change characteristic into notation. ( The way is so simple. Put your code and then click uncode.

3.Third way, we can use image software (paint, photoshop, or another else).
For me i usually used "PAINT", it so simple. For the first we write that code in Word, excel, or another relevant software, and then we change to image file. How to make it to be image file? just hit "ALT + PrtScSysRq" and paste in "PAINT" software. And then crop which area do you want. Save the file, and then upload.

Add zooming effect to images on your website

You must have wondered, how to add zooming effect to an image.
Its pretty simple to do....

A simple attribute of "img" tag has the capbility of doing it

<img src"" onmousedown="this.height=450;this.width=600"
onmouseup="this.height=150;this.width=200" width=200 height=150 >

How to disable USB on your computers

Start -> Run -> regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\USBSTORClick on start in right pane.
Give value as 4. (to block USB)
Give value as 3. (to unblock USB)

This is not a tested solution, but we found this somewhere on internet.

Monday 2 May 2011

Make your Windows Genuine using Notepad...

Make your Windows Genuine using notepad!!!!

1. Copy and Paste the following code in the Notepad.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
"OOBETimer"=hex:ff,d5,71,d6,8b,6a,8d,6f,d5,33, 93,f d
"LastWPAEventLogged"=hex:d5,07,05,00,06,00,07, 00,0 f,00,38,00,24,00,fd,02
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"
"DigitalProductId"=hex:a4,00,00,00,03,00,00,00 ,36, 39,38,33,31,2d,36,34,30,2d,\
31,37,38,30,35,37,37,2d,34,35,33,38,39,00,5a,00,00 ,00,41,32,32,2d,30,30,30,\
30,31,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,0d,04,89,b2,15,1b,c4 ,ee,62,4f,e6,64,6f,01,00,\
00,00,00,00,27,ed,85,43,a2,20,01,00,00,00,00,00,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,31,34,35,30,34,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,ce,0e,\
00,00,12,42,15,a0,00,08,00,00,87,01,00,00,00,00,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 ,94,a2,b3,ac
"LicenseInfo"=hex:9e,bf,09,d0,3a,76,a5,27,bb,f 2,da ,88,58,ce,58,e9,05,6b,0b,82,\
c3,74,ab,42,0d,fb,ee,c3,ea,57,d0,9d,67,a5,3d,6e,42 ,0d,60,c0,1a,70,24,46,16,\

2. Save the file with the .reg extension.

3. If you run the file means it will ask you the confirmation to add the value to your Registry.
4. Press Yes.
5. Reboot your System.
6. Start Downloading from Microsoft Site.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Your cmd prompt is hidden???

In school/college/office, your command prompt is hidden.
Want to open it.
Just three steps to open it.

Steps to open cmd prompt:
1. Open a notepad and type "" without quotes
2. Save that file in any of your favourate path as "cmd.bat"
3. Open that cmd.bat file.
4. You can able to open the command prompt with out issues.